Posted in Thoughts and Sense


Hi August !!

Saying goodbye to July with lot of burdens.. 😦 Why? First, I still couldn’t believe Fasting Month passed as fast as flash yet still want to enjoy it for longer time.. Second, the end of this month means the end of my holiday anyway huhu.. I need more holidayyyyy !!!!! I need a self-care (lebay bet de ah).. Speaking of self-care, I recently read a post by 9GAG about 12 steps for self care.. This was really good and because something good should be spread, so here we are.. ♥



“So far, about morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.” ~Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon



Say what you mean and mean what you say because the people that matter don’t mind and the people that mind don’t matter.




Please say goodbye to :

 ♥ I am always trying to make people happy

♥ It kills me when someone gets upset with me or I disappoint them

Then, just do :

I wish I could go a day without caring what people think of me

♥ I want to be able to be me

Because :

I am more precious than just pleasing everyone.. You know why? Because pleasing everyone is impossible.. It’s just pissing me off..  ♥



I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door. ~Marla Gibbs



People will talk bad about you, hate you, rate you, shake you and break you.. So who will speak good about you if it isn’t yourself ? ♥




Never give up on your something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.



Can you help me? NO !

Just say no if you haven’t enough time, haven’t enough energy, haven’t enough money to help people.. Just say no if you are the one who need help !! 😀



Do you mind if I smoke here? YES

Am I disturbing you? YES

The important thing is saying yes sincerely mean YES without any mind later


Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

Loving yourself…does not mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion.

~Malcolm S. Forbes ~Thich Nhat Hanh ~ Margo Anand




We all want to feel like we’re in control of our life and are masters of our destiny.

Think of a time when things started to feel out of control in your life. How did you feel? What did you do?

Did you do everything in your power to regain control, and cling to the little bit of direction you had left?

Many people become consumed with what they can’t control and obsessed with making things different.

If we ever want true emotional well-being and spiritual freedom we have to learn to “let go” of what we can’t control.

When we dwell on what is out of our control, whether something that happened to us in the past, or something we’re awaiting in the future, it prevents us from experiencing the beauty in the moment and having peace of mind.

Read more …



I zoom out in my mind to a point far enough away and above so that I can see things in my life for what they are. By doing this, I can see from a distance how small and unimportant the situation is in the big scope of the universe. ~Larry Stilts


Mostly of the drama takes place in our own head.. Change our perspective! Sometimes, we are too deep into problems.. Then, forget recognizing it isn’t as dire as it seems.. Remember, when bad thing happens, it will not always this way.. This too, shall pass.. ♥



Thanks for reading my post.. Credit title for 9GAG, and as source of my writing.. All sources are elaborated with casual words and my (pardon) limited knowledge 🙂

 Let’s begin the self-care!! Good luck..



Posted in Thoughts and Sense

.. unlonely in being alone ..


If everything goes wrong, it would be me who make this “everything” is wrong.. So, just calm down because I need private place and private time to reconcile with myself and put everything back..

I’m wondering that we weren’t so close, we didn’t even share a heart.. We just shared laugh and madness like everyone did.. By then, would you keep calm and give me some space?



Posted in Culinary, Thoughts and Sense, Travelling

Antarane Carica lan Kebon Mbako ♥

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~Lao Tzu



This is my second post to continue my story about The Liano’s Trip 8 days 4 cities.. You can read my previous story about Cirebon in the previous post or just simply click here .. Now let’s begin the second day (*drum sound – curtain opens*) ♥




From Cirebon, we continued our journey to Banjarnegara.. It took almost 8 hours to get there.. Arrived in Banjarnegara means that we already in Central Java.. The atmosphere here was so delightful.. The one famous destination here is Dieng Plateau.. It’s already known that most people go to Dieng Plateau from Wonosobo.. But actually it can be accessed too from Banjarnegara..

In Banjarnegara, I bought one of famous yum candied fruit, Carica.. Carica only grows in Dieng Plateau.. The fruit itself looks like papaya but different colors of its pulp.. I shared one jar of Carica with my brother and run out in a blink, hihi.. It tasted so yummyyy and very refreshing..


I and my family stayed in Banjarnegara for one night.. Tomorrow, we would continue our journey to Temanggung.. One of my relatives stay there.. They already promised me showing the tobacco plantation.. Really excited and can’t wait ♥


It was still dawn and my mom opened the window.. Brrrr, my feet felt so cold and I pull the blanket over my body.. I talked to myself that Bogor was not as cold as in here.. huhu.. In the middle of sleepiness I heard my mom chattered.. I heard sounds of camera too.. “Kenapa ya si ibu?” I was so curious then, what was it? Then I knew that the window in my room presented magnificent view..


Two dashing mount greeted me!! The one in the left is Mount Sindoro and the right one is Mount Sumbing.. Once, my sleepiness dissapeared.. I enjoyed this view so much-when it was dawn till the sun peeked behind the Mount Sindoro.. Very beautiful, solemn and freeziiing .. hihi.. Took many photos but I think this photo is the best photo among all.. Good morning Banjarnegara..

Mount Sindoro and Mount Sumbing were located in Temanggung, Central Java.. Fortunately, my siblings live near Mount Sumbing.. So, today I see the mount from far but tomorrow I would set my foot there.. Wait for me, Mount Sumbing!! It would be my honor to meet you soon.. 🙂



After fully-breakfast, we were ready to continue our journey to Temanggung.. It took less than 3 hours to get there.. Arrived in Glapansari village (Temanggung), I met several siblings and immediately asking for their promises to show me the tobacco plantation.. Hehehe.. Yeyeye lalala.. By Hardtop, we were going to the tobacco plantation.. Yes, we ride Hardtop, 4WD car is indeed suitable for the kind of field here..

(Intermezo) Dan gatau kenapa gue ngerasa keren dan jantan naik mobil ini.. hahaha.. kenapa jantan yah.. -_-


Well, the way to get there is quite breathtaking.. Hihi.. Stones path, ravines in both sides.. All I do was taking pictures and pretending to stay cool.. “See the sky not the ground!! See the sky not the ground!! Don’t look down ..” Hehehe.. My sibling was so good driving the car, so just trust him and pray along the way.. haha



Look, it’s him!! The Old Handsome Hardtop which took me here.. ♥


We can go to the Mount Sumbing by following the path.. Unfortunately, the car is up to here (picture above) because there’s no more access for car.. We have to walk or ride a motorcycle to the top of Mount Sumbing..

Tomorrow, Friday – August 1st, I would go to enjoy Mount Sumbing.. I was so nervous and happy in the same time because I have never hike a mountain before.. I only ever go to Mount Bromo (and I can’t say it’s hiking because climb the Mount Bromo is not kind of real hiking anyway)..

My siblings would invite some of his friends to help my “trip” to Mount Sumbing by motorcycle.. He said that we need 3 hours to arrive at the 2900 meters (above sea level) height and then we had to climb 400 more meters manually (by foot) to arrive at the top.. Ok.. If there is a will, there is a way.. I insisted on going.. Bismillah.. 🙂



Anyway thank you so much for reading my post.. Wish you curious with my next post about my enjoyment and tears to Mount Sumbing.. Don’t forget to try Carica whenever you go to Banjarnegara or Wonosobo.. Sweet and yum, the taste you will not forget!! ♥

