Posted in Culinary

Es Sekoteng Langganan Nona ♥

Hello guys,

Udah lamaaa sekali pengen bikin rekomendasi es sekoteng di bogor.. Tapi bukan es sekoteng BP di Bogor Permai yang terkenal itu, yang lama kalo mesen dan kalo makan pasti aja dipalak pengamen sekitar.. 😞🙄😴

Nah ini es sekoteng yang ada di Jl. Bangbarung (Jl. Achmad Sobana) , satu tempat sama toko-toko vespa..

Menurut eyke rasanya lebih yahud, alpuket nya selalu ready stock, mutiara nya basah nggrenjel enaaak banget, kelapanya muda dan kolang kalingnya empyuuk.. Syedep deeh 🤤🤤..

Tempatnya agak tricky, karena si es sekoteng BP buka cabang juga deket situ.. Udah gitu, doi bikin plang gede banget seolah-olah takut kalah saing sama es sekoteng langganan akyuuu.. 😡 Sewot bener, haha.. 😀

Patokan nya itu kalo dari arah Jl. Pajajaran masuk ke Jl Bangbarung (Jl Achmad Sobana) ada di sebelah kanan jalan, so kita harus puter arah sebelum turunan.. Nah, kedainya itu satu komplek dengan ruko pangkas rambut VIP – Citrus dan Gerai Roti Unyil Venus paling pojok, pinggir jalan.. Inget ya, pinggir jalan banget 😁

Tiada afdol makan es sekoteng tanpa seporsi somay!

Untuk somay seharga 22 ribu, ya enaak pokoknya dibandingkan dengan somay MM Juice yang ga enak pas bagian bayarnya, wkwkw.. 🤣

Untuk bumbu kacang yang ga gitu halus is definitely my fave dan bisa pilih isian heyym TOP.. Pokoknya default menu akyu itu somay 2, telur 1, kentang 1 dan pare 1.. Gak pernah pilih tahu, soalnya suka rada kecud asyem..

Duet maut es sekoteng dan somay ini selalu ngangenin, bikin nona dan ibu selalu pengen balik lagi tiap minggu.. Pokoknya, meski tempatnya lumayan panas tapi selalu jadi tempat dating favorit kami sambil gosipin mas anak gajah, si calon mantu.. haha ♥


Posted in Culinary

Soto Kudus Mbah’e : Urip iku Urup ♥

Hai hai,

Setelah setahun bersama mas anak gajah, hidup eyke ndak jauh-jauh dari dunia persotoan dan bakmi jawa.. Berhubung beliau doyan maem masakan endonesah yang kuah-kuah panas kemrasah, kadang jadi suka ikut-ikutan ngidam pengen cobain.. hehehe..

Kemudian semalam, si mas anak gajah bilang pengen ajak nona makan soto kudus di Jl. H. Nawi no.29A.. Katanya tempatnya lucu, nona pasti suka.. Ciyee ♥

Kesannya sih romantis gitu, padahal ternyata ngincer promo soto kudus+nasi 13ribu sama parkir gratis, wkwkw lumayan kaaan 🤣🤣🤣

Resto Soto Kudus Mbah’e ini mengusung konsep warung yang njawani dengan kursi-kursi kayu dan ubin-ubin vintage.. Meski kesan nya kusem dan ngampung, tapi menurut saya tempatnya bersih.. Dapur rapi, meja kursi lantai bersih top-lah.. (dibayar berape dah ama pemilik warung?! 😄)

Setelah lama celingak celinguk, akhirnya kami duduk di pojokan.. Bukan karena rencana mau mojok berdua, tapi lebih karena warungnya ini sumuk banget jadi kami ngincer kipas angin terdekat, haha.. Mungkin kalo pake AC, harganya jadi berubah seharga Soto Kudus Blok M yah.. 🤪

Okey lanjut review makanannya yaa.. Nah, di atas meja sudah penuh dengan 1 sisir pisang dan aneka kerupuk, mulai dari kerupuk kulit, gendar dan kerupuk usus.. Menu yang ditawarkan gak terlalu banyak :

  • Dhaharan (Soto Kudus Campur lagi promo 13.000 sak porsine)

  • Lawuhan (Aneka sate telur puyuh, ati ampela, perkedel dll mulai dari 3.000 – 5.000)

  • Unjukan (Teh sereh, wedhang uwuh mulai 2.000)

Dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit, pesanan 2 soto kudus campur (soto dan nasi dalam satu mangkok), 1 es teh tarik dan 1 teh sereh anget kami telah tiba.. Weh, porsinya 1 kurang 2 kebanyakan, alias porsi kena tanggung.. Makanya wajib banget nambah lawuhan seperti perkedel dan sate telur puyuh biar lebih top.. 👍🏼👍🏼

Satu mangkuk Soto Kudus Campur terdiri dari nasi putih, tauge, suwiran daging ayam, daun seledri, bawang goreng disiram kuah soto bening panas tumpeh-tumpeh dan irisan jeruk nipis.. Swit swiw.. 😚

Menurut mas anak gajah, Soto Kudus Mbah’e enak! Tapi agak berminyak jika dibandingkan dengan Soto Kudus Blok M yang terkenal itu.. Lumayan lho, harganya kan beda jauuuh hampir setengah nya.. Saya yang tidak terlalu menggemari soto juga berpendapat sama, rasanya lebih enak meski ayam nya gak gitu banyak.. Manisnya pas, gurih dan asem-asem sedikit.. Joss bin kemrasah sumuk gemryobos 😅.. Jujur kuah nya panas banget, jadi pelan-pelan ya makannya.. 😊😊

Untuk minum, mas anak gajah mencoba teh sereh anget. Kekentalan tehnya pas, mirip-mirip teh yang disajikan di daerah Jawa Tengah katanya. Manis ✅ anget ✅ , tapi kurang rasa sereh.. Gak gitu keluar aroma serehnya, layu abis begadang mungkin 😝..

Setiap ada kesempatan makan berdua sama mas anak gajah, ada aja yang diobrolin.. Mulai dari yang receh haha hihi sampai bahas cuti lebaran 7 hari yang telah seenaknya mengurangi jatah cuti kawinan eyke.. eaaa curhat colongan, ngamuk..😄

Tidak terasa kita duduk tatap muka 2 jam sampai warungnya mau tutup.. 😳 Setelah mbayar 40.000 rupiah, kami pulang dan bahagia..

Goodnite, mas anak gajah! Matur nuwun sudah jadi kontributor postingan kali ini.. ♥


Posted in Culinary, Travelling

Kedai Tjikini, laff banget ♥

Dear blog,

Setelah hampir setahun ndak main-main ke Cikini, akhirnya kemarin magically nona dan mas anak gajah kesana lagi.. Pagi-pagi di tanggal 1 Mei 2018 ini tetibaan saya pengen banget nostalgiaan sama mamas kesana.. 🤗 Tapi itu cuma niatan dalam hati yang gak saya sampaikan ke mas anak gajah.. Lagipula kami harus ke Bekasi bertemu kawan untuk beberapa stuff..

Jam 4 baru bisa pulang, akyu agak syedih libur Mayday gabisa ngobrol personally berdua sama mamas, my hooman diary.. Jujur aja, April itu bulan dengan level stress to the makcimeum yang penuh dengan huru hara akibat SPT Tahunan.. myehehe..  Jadi biar agak waras dikit, selain misuh-misuh di blog saya juga harus banyak mengobrol.. 🤪🤪

Perjalanan menuju Jakarta, dengan suasana ngantug sedih bete, dalem hati “Yah mau kemenong lagi yak udah sore begini, pengennya ke Cikini ngobrol-ngobrol minum es kopi.. Tapi kasihan mas nya capek nyetir, kan jauh amat kesana.” Lalu tiba-tiba si mas anak gajah bilang “Ke Menteng Huiz yuk”.. Walaaah, ceritanya bisa baca hati akyu, ya?! 😳

Sesampainya disana, saya pilih Kedai Tjikini yang ada di seberang Menteng Huiz untuk destinasi minum es kopi bersama mas anak gajah.. Yeay! ♥

credit : Openrice

Masuk Kedai Tjikini Kudapan Indonesia dan Minum Kopi, oo la la saya sangat suka bau dan suasananya.. Bau kayu dengan suasana vintage dan intimate..  Akhirnyaaa bisa pacaran juga wkwkw.. Sengaja ambil posisi meja tepat di pinggir kaca besar dengan pemandangan pedestrian Jalan Cikini Raya.. ☺

Ditemani roti bakar srikaya dengan es kopi dan es kolang kaling, kami bercerita : “Time flies, it’s been a year since you ask me out.. And now we sit here, soon to be married.. bla bla”


Menu pilihan saya adalah es kopi 37k dan roti bakar srikaya 25k, untuk es kopi enak sesuai selera akyuu yang masih ada taste asemnya dan gak terlalu pahit, gula bisa disesuaikan yang penting gelas nya gede haha.. 👍🏼👍🏼 Untuk roti bakar, standar lah pas untuk menemani minum es kopi, cuma satu aja kekurangannya : gak dikasih butter.. Untuk roti bakar srikaya paling enak tetep keluarannya QQ Kopitiam, endang bingit dah sumfeh.. 🤯

Nah, untuk menu pilihan mas anak gajah adalah es kolang kaling 25k dan roti bakar keju 25k.. Es kolang kaling diabetes warna pink, manis parah sampai minta ditambahin air hehe.. Rasa standar kolang kaling, lumayan lah untuk seger-seger..

Gak terasa, 2 jam ngabisin waktu bersama ngobrolin tugas kantor sampai bahas soal budaya mengantri, hehe.. Muka kucel tapi happy.. Semoga ada waktu lagi dateng ke Kedai Tjikini untuk coba menu Galantine nya ♥

Excuse us guys, udah malem mau pulang!


Posted in Culinary, Travelling

February : Hello Bangkok ♥

Hello !!


Bermodal budget yang cekak dan keinginan liburan super akut.. Akhirnya saya dan seorang sahabat pergi ke Bangkok, salah satu destinasi wisata luar negeri yang terkenal murah dan seru.. Tapi ujung-ujungnya jadi terseok-seok gitu karena paket yang kami beli ternyata paket Bangkok Shopping Freak.. Agak sebel juga, hanya tergiur dengan paket all in yang murah dan membuat saya kurang teliti membaca itinerary.. Bawa uang sekitar 1600 Bath, pulang ke Indonesia sisa sekitar 60 cents saja.. Hihihi

Menurut saya sebenarnya 1600 Bath cukup untuk 4 hari, khususnya yang hanya ambil paket city tour.. Penginapan, makanan dan transportasi sangat murah.. Prinsip saya ketika liburan adalah, nikmati kuliner dan pengalaman travellingnya, ambil gambar landscape negara tersebut sebanyak-banyaknya dan belanja oleh-oleh secukupnya.. Tapi sepertinya oleh-oleh khas Thailand terlmpau banyak yang sangat menggiurkan.. 😀


Penerbangan Jakarta-Bangkok ditempuh dalam 3 jam dan tidak ada perbedaan waktu antara Indonesia dan Bangkok.. Saya ambil flight sabtu sore dan keluar dari Bandara Don Mueang Bangkok pukul 9 malam.. Bandara yang tidak terlalu besar dan bertele-tele mempercepat langkah kami keluar.. Tapi ternyata, hotel kami di Hua Lamphong cukup jauh so the journey was still a long way to go.. Shuttle dan MRT jadi andalan menuju hotel, tidak perlu khawatir yang membawa koper seabrek karena di Bangkok jalanan amat sangat ramah dan mudah untuk dilalui orang yang membawa koper sekalipun..


Berikut pemandangan dari kamar hotel saya di lantai 3.. Hotelnya (yang saya lupa namanya) tidak berbintang namun kebersihannya juara, terutama tempat tidur dan kamar mandinya.. Hati jadi tenang, hehe.. Kalau diperhatikan dengan seksama, daerah Hua Lamphong ini mirip dengan daerah Kota Tua di Jakarta.. Dekat dengan stasiun dan ada sungai kecilnya..



♥ Chatuchak Weekend Market ♥


Pasar Chatuchak yang hanya buka di saat weekend adalah salah satu destinasi wisata paling favorit di Bangkok.. Rasa-rasanya yang akan ke Bangkok tidak boleh melewatkan tempat ini.. Tempat cari oleh-oleh super lengkap yang pernah saya kunjungi, mirip Malioboro but this one almost ten times bigger.. Cool..


One of my fave souvenirs is the handcrafted thing.. Keyholders, pouches, some “organic” shirts and scarfs are definitely worth buying! No waaay, I was the victim of Chatuchak Weekend Market.. 😀


♥ Asiatique The Riverfront ♥


Asiatique is Bangkok Night Market  open at 5 pm until midnight.. Huge amount of fancy shops such a heaven for shopping spree.. Anyway, you won’t need to leave hungry too because Asiatique provides plenty of dining options.. I really enjoyed my visit to Asiatique.. The place itself is very comfortable for people strolling around.. Many instagramable spot here, hehe.. Not just the places but the people who come here were also the hits ones..hihihi..


In Asiatique Riverfront, you can ride the huge Ferris Wheel and watch Thai Boxing show too.. Well you can say, this is not just an ordinary night market.. It’s a HAPPENING entertainment complex you have to visit whenever you in Bangkok..!!

Asiatique-6Edit IMG_6301

(credit image : and )

 You can reach Asiatique The Riverfront by taxi or boat.. Mine was prefer boat instead of taxi due to the heavy traffic jam which usually happen near Asiatique.. Take the BTS skytrain to Saphan Taksin station, then walk the Chao Praya river.. There’s a ferry boat every 15 minutes starting at 4.30 pm you can get on to Asiatique.. 🙂


♥ Wat Arun and Wat Pho♥

Regarding the history, Wat Arun is a Buddhist temple which called wat in Bangkok often personified as the radiations of the rising sun therefore famous as Temple of Dawn .. Unfortunately, my last visit on February 2016 to Wat Arun must be annoyed a little bit because the main feature of Wat Arun is under renovation..


Here in Wat Arun you can rent some traditional Thai clothes and take a photo with complete attributes for 300 bath..

Tip : There’s a small market inside the Wat Arun complex right on the corner near Chao Praya River.. I recommend you to buy some souvenirs there because the price is really tempting compared to Chatuchak and Asiatique.. They also receive Rupiahs as payment.. Cool..

After strolled around the Wat Arun, we crossed Chao Praya River and headed to Wat Pho..

Wat Pho is one of the largest temple complexes in the city.. To enter the complex we must pay 100 bath and wear appropriate clothing, this means no exposed shoulders or skin above the knee..

Wat Pho has many attractive places, but the famous one is its giant reclining Buddha that measures 46 metres long and is covered in gold leaf..




♥  ♥



Chatuchak Weekend Market sell hundreds of food, just be careful to buy one of them.. Because not all of them are halal food, many pork and its refined.. Sometimes, I doubt about every fried-food which-maybe-use-some-lard to fry.. Hehehe.. Saying Bismillah was all I can do, then..



Anyway, here we have savory fried-lobster mix with hot bangkok sauce and refreshing coconut ice which served directly in its shell.. Its taste is almost the same with Prawn Tempura, but this one is crispier.. Not my favorite, because the lobster shell was a lil’ bit hurt my gums.. Bwehehehe..


The third one is absolutely my favorite and a must try food!! It’s sauteed squid eggs with chunks of cabbage mix with hot bangkok sauce.. Yumm!! Wiped my drool, already .. 😀  The good news is you only have to pay 30 bath to have this spicy-chewy-deliciozo food in your mouth!! What a cheapy ♥



If you want to get extreme experience with funny feeling on it, just ride Tuk-Tuk.. Hahaha.. I couldn’t stop laughing the whole way.. The driver crazily drove tuk-tuk in high speed.. Feeeeel so dizzy, couldn’t stop burping.. Blehh.. I got jackpot and threw up.. Hahahaha.. Whenever you go to Bangkok, go ride tuk-tuk at least once.. Usually tuk-tuk offers 150 bath for each trip, but the driver will say yes whenever you bargain to 100 bath.. Enjoy!!


Up here guys.. I was really enjoy write this Bangkok trip story, hopefully you enjoy reading it.. Smooch


Keep Travelling and Love,


Posted in Culinary

Sopra Ristorante : Buon Appetito! ♥


Hello guys !! Hello July !!

Fasting month has been running a half and FOOD always be a trending topic to talk about (at least for me).. Hehe.. So with all humility and do not intend to make you drooling, I will tell you about my visit to this well-running classic Italian restaurant.. ♥


Finally, I dine here !! After long time in waiting for the perfect time..

The overpriced issues make me thinking hundred times for just having casual dining here.. But yesterday, the all universe conspired to put me there.. whahaha.. (lebay bet dah ah)SP_HappyGoLucky_Stitching

Sopra Ristorante is very eye catchy.. It has fancy black-and-white atmosphere surrounded by other bright restaurants and bakery shop.. Welcomed by not-so-friendly restaurant host, we were escorted to non-smoking area with line of sofas and wooden chairs.. Anyway, I personally love the carrelage!! Those were so pretty..


We ordered at 5-something pm and asked the waiter to serve at 6 pm before Maghrib.. Near Maghrib, the waiter came with Takjil which was presented soooo beautifully in square heavy plate.. The Takjil consist of jelly drink, dates and dipped chocolate biscuit.. ♥


Not so long, the waiter came with the welcome bread and our ordered menu.. There were 2 kind of welcome bread which tasted (sorry) not so good enough.. Baguette and grissini sticks were served with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and unsalted butter.. Comparing to Pepenero, Sopra’s welcome bread left so behind both taste and variation except the presentation which was good..


For break fasting we had 1 appetizer : Spicy Chicken Wings, 2 main courses : Arrabbiata Pizza and Ravioli Ricotta Spinach with Bolognese Sauce and 2 sweet ice tea .. The food came in the same time as we told to waiter.. So our table was quite full then.. :p Here we areeeee ..



One portion of Spicy Chicken Wings, consist of 10 chicken wings, costs IDR 79.000,- ++ . Absolutely would make us drooling because its smells niceeeeeeee.. It served with 2 kinds of sauce, thousands island sauce and home made tomato sauce.. Well-presented in cutting board, very instagrammable .. Hehehe.. It tasted not too spicy and good with or without sauce.. In my humble opinion, the sauce was too standard comparing with Hard Rock Cafe’s.. Hard Rock served blue cheese sauce which really superb for chicken wings!! I wished Sopra would make this kind of sauce too.. Definitely, I’m going to prepare my second visit to Sopra if my request granted :p



My second try was Ravioli Ricotta Spinach with Bolognese Sauce.. Not so good-looking in presentation but taste sooooooo delicious.. Ravioli is Sopra’s home made pasta which is filled by spinach, boiled and cooked in bolognese sauce.. The bolognese sauce was very rich with tomato taste and basil leaf scent.. The ravioli itself was so delicate, which is good, but unfortunately lack of spinach filling..

One portion of Ravioli Ricotta Spinach with Bolognese Sauce costs IDR 89.000,- ++



Many people said that Sopra’s pizza was the best authentic pizza in town.. So, even we had already ordered 2 dishes, we were still tempted to order the pizza.. Hehe.. We chose Arrabbiata Pizza in singola size which consisted of 4 slices of pizza.. In Sopra, we can have a pizza in 3 choice of sizes.. Singola, original and family size for the huge sharing..

In Sopra, do not imagine that they’ll serve pizza with thick pillowy pizza dough as we usually get in Pizza Hut hoho.. Because Sopra claimed that there’s just no better original tasting pizza in town.. Yes, original recipe of CRISPY pizza came secretly from Italy hehe.. They made it crispy in the crust and tender in the middle.. I personally love the pizza but not the burned-crispy crust.. 😀

One portion of Arrabbiata Singola Pizza cost IDR 79.000,-



Overall, Sopra is one of worthy restaurants to visit.. We spent almost 3 hours there..  It has good ambience, services and parmesan cheese hahaha.. Unfortunately, Sopra is quite expensive for Italian restaurant..“La grande cucina italiana inizia con i giusti ingredeienti” Great Italian cooking begins with the right ingredients.. Most likely, this is the reason why Sopra is quite expensive.. Besides all the main ingredients have been especially imported from Italy..

Anyway, yesterday we had 15% discount promo on food..  Honestly, we didn’t notice this promo until the bill came.. Haha Lucky us!! The promo was applied from Monday to Thursday..

Well, thanks for reading my little review about Sopra.. I definitely recommend you to come and rate.. ♥

